of the dean
Over the past 15 years, so much has changed in business.
The business world also faced unprecedented challenges. We experienced the longest recession since World War II and a global pandemic that set the world still, upending supply chains, threatening companies and livelihoods, and forever reshaping our global workforce.
As my tenure as dean of the Gabelli School of Business comes to a close, I realize how much business education at Fordham has transformed, too. We have made great strides in preparing students to become compassionate business leaders, and we have celebrated many milestones along the way.
I have profound pride and gratitude for the thousands of Gabelli School alumni who are now changing the world for the better, one business decision at a time. I am excited for the current students who will follow them after graduation, seeking to build new kinds of businesses, improve life for their fellow human beings, and protect the planet using strategies of their own invention.
Many of you in the Gabelli School community know that I am an advocate for self-discovery and discernment, guidance that I followed myself in each of my years as dean. One of the greatest takeaways from that reflective process is how much I owe to the students, faculty colleagues, industry partners, and friends of business education at Fordham who have collectively given me clarity on my own purpose and personal responsibility to be a force for positive change. In the hands of these people, each of whom contributes to our future in ways large and small, I believe the Gabelli School will continue to grow in exciting new directions, poised for whatever the future holds.
Dean, Gabelli School of Business